Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Fellowship Journey

Greetings!  After months of planning and pondering, the Finding the Founding Fathers journey is two just two days away! Please see the attached pictures to view the map of my travels.

For the more calendar-minded...Here's a break-down of the fellowship:

7/27- Arrive Toledo, OH
7/28- Arrive Niagara Falls, NY
7/29- Tour Niagara Falls area (Geography)
7/30- Arrive Albany, NY
7 /31- Tour Albany, NY (Colonial History)
8/1- Arrive Boston, MA
8/2- Tour Boston, MA (Paul Revere Study)
8/3- Tour Boston, MA
8/4- Arrive Bar Harbor, ME (Acadia National Park)
8/5- Tour Acadia National Park (Geography and Economics)
8/6- Tour Acadia National Park and Area
8/7- Arrive Boston, MA (Paul Revere Study)
8/8- Arrive Provincetown, MA
8/9- Tour Provincetown, MA (Geography and Economics)
8/10- Arrive Staten Island, NY
8/11- Tour Staten Island, NY/Arrive Philadelphia, PA (Statue of Liberty)
8/12- Tour Philadelphia, PA (Ben Franklin Study)
8/13- Arrive Washington, D.C.
8/14- Tour Washington, D.C. (George Washington Study/U.S. History)
8/15- Tour Washington, D.C. (Thomas Jefferson Study/U.S. History)
8/16- Arrive Mt. Vernon, VA (George Washington's Mt. Vernon Estate)
8/17- Arrive Charlottesville, VA (Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Estate)
8/18- Arrive Pittsburgh, PA
8/19- Arrive Arlington Heights, IL

See you on the road!  ~Mr. K.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Hope you are having a wonderful trip Trip.What a great idea.
    Ms. Stone (aka Susan)
